Human-flood interactions in a changing climate

It is with great pleasure that we invite to the fourth webinar in a series which focuses on cities and rising sea levels. From different perspectives and based on Danish as well as international research and experiences the webinars will address challenges and solutions.

“A growing body of research is providing initial insights into the complex dynamics of risk generated from the interplay of floods and society. In this talk, I review empirical research showing how traditional strategies for flood risk reduction can lead to unintended consequences in the long term. I also review a number of models that have been recently proposed to conceptualize human-flood interactions to explore future trajectories of risk. My talk will also discuss the opportunities offered by new data sources for unravelling the interplay of floods and societies across multiple scales.” Giuliano Di Baldassarre.

Giuliano Di Baldassarre is a Professor at Uppsala University in Sweden and Director of the Centre of Natural Hazards and Disaster Science. Currently, he directs a large research group as PI of a prestigious ERC project (HydroSocialExtremes: Unravelling the Mutual Shaping of Hydrological Extremes and Society -

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